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Note: Once your lease is approved, a member of the Kegstar Team will be in touch with freight cost. Kegs are dispatched from Melbourne and freight will be calculated accordingly.
Please acknowledge you have read each of the 12 keg handling conditions.
Removal of keg valve (spear) is not permitted.
Keg filler must be fitted with a pressure relief valve.
While lifting empty keg, bend your knees and strictly carry one at a time.
Safe Data Sheets must be on premise for all chemicals used in the keg cleaning process.
Keg should be filled in an inverted position.
Do not attempt to fill damaged kegs. Please call 0800 Keg 5000 to report keg as damaged.
Ingredients may only enter kegs via a keg filter with no foreign objects permitted inside of keg.
Every effort must be undertaken to create a safe keg filling environment for employees.
Appropriate safety equipment must be worn while filling and handling kegs.
To move full kegs an appropriate lifting device must be used.
Keg washing must only be undertaken by purpose built keg cleaning equipment.
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In order to process your order we require a one off payment of $100. This will be processed on submission of your details, through our payment facilitator on the next page. If your order is accepted this amount will be used towards any applicable freight charges (which we will confirm with you before your order is accepted). In the event that we cannot accept your order, this amount will be refunded to you in full. Please follow the link to the Direct Debit Request Form and enter your bank account details.
Direct Debit